We know that the transition to new systems and technologies is often fraught with uncertainty and challenges. That’s exactly why we’ve developed a comprehensive roadmap to ensure your experience integrating and using our solution is as seamless and productive as possible. Let’s take a look at what you can expect from us!

Stress-free implementation in record time

Our top priority is to get you testing the power of People Analytics with your own data in record time. With our stress-free implementation, we guarantee that your platform will go live within just 7 days of providing the API keys. No lengthy delays or complicated processes – we’ll make sure you can reap the benefits of our solution in a timely manner. The whole thing requires only 10 minutes of your time – we promise!

Guided onboarding for your success

Your success is close to our hearts, and we know that a successful launch comes with a thorough onboarding. That’s why we offer 1:1 live sessions to guide you through the onboarding process. Our contacts will walk you through the platform step-by-step, ensuring you realize the full potential of our solution and hit the ground running with People Analytics.

Regular interaction for sustained progress

The support we provide doesn’t stop after onboarding – it really begins. We rely on regular check-ins to ensure your progress is meeting your expectations. In these check-ins, you’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback, set priorities and goals, and work with our team to develop and implement best practices. We’re here to make sure you’re getting the most out of the platform. You can also make requests for new features during these check-ins.

Immer an deiner Seite

Wir wissen, dass Fragen und Herausforderungen auftreten können, während Du die Plattform nutzt. In solchen Momenten zögere nicht, auf uns zuzukommen. Unser engagiertes Support-Team steht dir jederzeit zur Verfügung, um dir bei der Lösung von Problemen oder der Beantwortung von Fragen zu helfen. Wir sind erst zufrieden, wenn du es bist! Dazu haben wir einen User-Guide entwickelt, der dich durch alle wichtigen Funktionen durchführt und dir Guidance für die ersten Use-Cases gibt. Falls Du dennoch Fragen hast oder Hilfe brauchst, kannst du uns schnell und unkompliziert über Slack, Microsoft Teams oder E-Mail mit uns kommunizieren. 

Our timeline for your Journey with peopleIX

For your start with our People Analytics platform, we’ve developed a clear roadmap so you know exactly what to expect from us:

Implementation phase

  1. Integration and data quality: We ensure seamless integration with systems and check data quality to make sure your information is being used optimally.
  2. Onboarding and configuration: You and your team will receive a customized onboarding and we will take care of the configuration to the company-specific features in the background.
  3. Customization and Insights: The platform is customized to your needs and you get first valuable insights that you can use immediately.

Go-Live – The starting point of your success story!

Customization phase

  1. Feedback and Collaboration: Regular check-ins to share feedback and work together on best practices.
  2. Look to the Future: Gain insight into the product roadmap and vote on future priorities.
  3. Regular check-ins: review progress together, celebrate successes and determine next steps.

At peopleIX, we’re committed to not only providing you with a platform, but also delivering excellent service that drives your success. We are ready to guide you on your journey and meet your individual needs. Let’s walk the path to data-driven HR management together!

You're not convinced yet?

On our website you will find a lot of information about our platform, exciting People Analytics use cases and success stories from existing customers. On our blog you will also find helpful articles for your start with people analytics. We especially recommend our guide for your start with People Analytics or the article “How does People Analytics is different from HR Reporting?”

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!



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